We are your automation partner

Robot Nordic stands for the development of fully automatic production lines with the integration of standard robots and specially designed automation cells.


We focus on the customer and the individual project, which means that we can ensure that the finished product fully meets your requirements.

Who is
Robot Nordic?

We are a Nordic robot integrator and supplier of turnkey automation solutions for industrial and production companies worldwide. We focus on the customer and the individual project, and therefore you can expect a product that fully meets your requirements.

We want to be
your partner

Robot Nordic's business is based on partnerships. We find the most optimal solutions across products and technologies, and develop the project in collaboration with you. It is about channeling the right resources to the right projects.

robot solutions

We automate the parts of production that create the most value for the business.

Vores seneste cases

Det er vores erfaring, at automatisering bl.a. betyder produktionsoptimering, øget konkurrenceevne og stigende indtjening for virksomheder.Dyk ned i vores cases, og bliv klogere på, hvordan vi hjælper vores kunder med at automatisere produktionen.

Se alle cases